Leseberg Genealogy Site

The Leseberg surname across the world

This site is dedicated to the display and collection of the genealogical origins of the LESEBERG surname (with variations), and to hopefully make connections between the different lines of Leseberg's which today are spread across the world. It is my plan to update using information I find, and add anything relevant from others. It will be an ongoing project always on the lookout for assistance and those little clues which make the connections possible. A long lost cousin may just be a click away.

The Leseberg Name

From the Dictionary of American Family Names, Leseberg is a "habitational name from a former medieval town in central Germany, of uncertain etymology." From my research the LESEBERG name has most of its history around Hannover and Hamburg. Presently I know of Leseberg's in the following countries outside Germany: Australia, USA, Canada, England, The Netherlands and South Africa. Let me know if there are others. I have seen and known a number of variations in spelling including LESBERG, LESEBURG, LESBURG, LIESBERG.

Currently the Leseberg genealogical data is unavailable while we upgrade to the latest version of phpgedview or find another application to display it.